Starting school is an exciting new stage in your child's life.
Here you will find information on the following:
Are you looking for general information about schools?
Der Landeselternbeirat (parents' representative body) provides general information about schools. The information is arranged in alphabetical order. From A for Abitur to E (Elternabend) for parents' evening to W (Wahl) for choice of school.
You can find out more about many school topics on the website of the City of Frankfurt am Main. For example: Parents representative bodies (Elternbeirat), multilingual schools, inclusion or financial aid for school children (Schüler-BAföG).
You will find a list of all the schools in Frankfurt here. You can also search for schools by district or by type of school.
"Lernmittelfreiheit" means free books and other teaching materials: School students in Hesse do not have to pay for the books they need for lessons. They borrow the books and other things they need for school subjects, such as chemistry and software, and return them to the school at the end of the school year. Read more about this at the Kultusministerium Hessen (Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs of Hesse):
How can my child get to school safely? Do I have to pay for the bus or metro to school myself? You can get information on getting to school from the City of Frankfurt am Main:
You will find the dates of all school holidays in Hesse here.
Is your child new to Frankfurt and doesn't speak any or only very little German?
The Aufnahme- und Beratungszentrum (ABZ) at the Staatliches Schulamt Frankfurt (Frankfurt school admissions and advice centre) supports migrant families and refugees. The centre is a contact point for school students with little or no knowledge of German who have moved to Frankfurt from abroad.
Do you need support with school?
The Stadtelternbeirat is the parents' representative body for all parents with school-age children in Frankfurt:
There is a parents' representative at every school that you can contact if you have any concerns about the school.
There are several advice centres that you can turn to for help. Read more here: You need support.
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